It's possible though might be a bit of a stretch. Here is a review of a good session the other night.
15 min 5/10 NLHE +$885
9:08 2/5 NLHE +$1,805
Well my card dead/run bad from October is officially disengaged.
Running pretty well, coolering a few people and playing well has added
up to a really good stretch over my last ~5-6 sessions. Did a better
job tracking some interesting hands so will have a bunch in this post.
I arrived yesterday afternoon and was immediately seated at 5/10. I
only had $2k on me so I really wanted to play 2/5 as this reps only 2
bullets. anyway 1 hand was enough.
Some times the Game is Easy
This is literally like my 3rd hand at 5/10. Table was 6/7 handed with a
dude that had played every pot for a raise. He is Villain in this
hand. He opens to $50 with XX and I 3b in the BB with K


. He calls. My read was that he was spewy just based on the 3 hands and didn't want to give up like ever.
(Pot $305) Flop K



I lead $175 and he starts cutting out chips like he is going to raise
but ultimately just calls. I think he has a pretty wide range still
with a lot of TJ, QT, J9, AJ type hands being a big part of his range.
Pair with gutters, bare gutters, etc.
(Pot $655) Turn 8

This is obv a brick. My man has like $575 left and although I can
easily shove I think I can bet small and get him to commit thinking he
has fold equity or just get 2 streets of value here. So i decide on
$225. he calls pretty quickly.
(Pot $1105) River 8

Seems like a good card

. I put him in for his remaining $340-350 and he calls saying "I can't put you on a hand". I table and obv MHIG.
Right after that I got called for 2/5. Thought about it for a minute
and said fuck it, I'm gonna hit and run this game. So off to 2/5 I went
when the following happens:
If your plan is to bet/fold you gotta bet/fold
I fold a few hands then on cue I get K


in MP. 2 limps in front and I go $25. only 1 of limpers calls. he
appears young, good with chips, kinda talkative but never seen him in
the room before.
(Pot $60) Flop Q



He ch and I decide to ch it back
(Pot $60) Turn 7

He ch, I bet $40 he call
(Pot $140) River 6

I decide to bet/fold targeting like 99/TT, 89, 8T, maybe 87, etc. So I
bet $75 and he pretty quickly c/r to $250. His line doesn't really
make much sense at all. But it's 2/5 and they don't a lot of time. I
start talking to him asking him what he thinks I have. he says "I think
you have a Q". When he says this I really think he is bluffing like he
is trying to say he thinks I'm strong, yet he still made this play. But
I went with my initial plan and folded. he showed J


for an odd bluff that worked.
Turning a meh hand into a bluff
A bad non-thinking player opens to $10 in LP over a limp or 2. I had a
pretty good read on him that he bet big with big hands and smaller with
smaller hands. He had earlier bet $25 pre, then bet $125 on the flop
with $75 in the pot on Qxx board and showed the table QQ. Anyway I call
BTN with A


. 6 to flop.
(Pot $60) Flop Q



He bets $25, I call, SB calls.
(Pot $135) Turn 8

He bets $60 only I call. I think he has some weakish Q's here (QTs,
etc.), maybe some hands I beat like AK or 99/TT and just doesn't know
what to do so he bets kinda small. I obv pick up the NFD so I'm not
(Pot $255) River 8

Not the card I was looking for. He fumbles around and bets $100 and I
start thinking. I can't really call but he's a fish and I don't really
like bluffing fish. Anyway I really decide to go with my read about
his betting patterns. Although he has bet 3 streets, none of them have
been very strong bets. So I decide to cram $375 more. He then starts
thinking and quickly confirms he has a Q so I was right to raise or
fold. Finally he says "You must have a full house so I fold".
Paying attention there and being engaged in the hand won me that pot for sure.
Stacking a meh LAG-set up hand tho
I open prob my fave Q


to $20 in MP. 3 callers including a LAG in SB. He was playing a lot
of pots, raising every single time he straddled. He wasn't bad but
wasn't a star either. Anyway 4 to flop.
(Pot $80) Flop A



Welp I'm not folding now, 2nd flush draw, double gutted is pretty good! Checks to me and I bet $55, only SB calls.
(Pot $190) Turn 3

. he checks and I bet $125. He calls. I range him on 2 pair, sets, maybe like K

Qx, J9 (least likely I guess). I think he 3b AK preflop so I don't think he has AxK
(Pot $440) River 5

He checks a 3rd time and I decide to bet bigger. I bet $350 relatively
quickly. He starts tanking and finally gives me the "Why so much?"
speech. I try to look nervous and he finally calls with what he said
was 88.
Nice pot. I wonder if I can bet even more on the end. Always hard to know.
Flopped world-just cram it
This is with the same Villain I bluffed above. He again min-raises and
gets 1 caller. i decide to try and iso on him and raise K


to $45, Folds and he calls, caller calls as well. 3 to flop.
(Pot $140) Flop K



Villain leads $60 and other dude folds. I'm clearly raising but just
not sure how much. Anything looks strong IMO. I finally settle on a
jam and so I do jam effectively for his stack of $435. He thinks for a
moment and then calls with I hold and am off and running.
In this hand I just felt like he could find a fold if a bad card came on
the turn (ie I made my flush). Once he led I put him on TP type hand
so I thought my jam would look bluffier than a smallish raise. Also he
probably thinks I am picking on him a bit.
I level myself into a bad call
Here is a hand that I hate the way I played. There are 2 limps and I raise to $25 with 9


. 3 call and we go to the flop.
(Pot $100) Flop 457r Checks to me, I bet $65 and only young asian kid
calls. I have played with before. Decent player that plays 5/T some
and PLO at times.
(Pot $230) Turn 6. Now he leads $75 and I call. IDK this is probably a
fold but the only hand that makes sense here is 88 and maybe 87s.
(Pot $380) River 9 He leads $115 and I puke in my mouth a little bit.
I beat 77, 76, 66, etc but obv nothing with a 3 or 8 in it. I am
getting in the neighborhood of 4.5-1 so I need 20-22% to call. I decide
that he doesn't just have a straight and I beat all hands but the
straight. So I puke call to see 88.
Blah. Don't like the way I played this hand at all.
Little over 60% of the way to a $10k month but will put in some grind over the next ~10days.